Loneliness Conference at Tavistock Relationships

Last summer I was asked to speak at the Preventing Loneliness in Later Life conference at Tavistock Relationships in central London.
My starting point was loneliness within relationships, as well as the many different experiences of loneliness I came across when researching my book on retirement. And the inspiring solutions people came up themselves, which helped them break the cycle and move forward.
It was a terrifying privilege to speak at such a prestigious event: Tavistock Relationships has an international reputation for its counselling services and research. Luckily I was on before Janet Morrison, CEO of Independent Age (left in the photo), because she is a seriously hard act to follow. She had many thought-provoking insights into loneliness - which is at last being recognised as one of the biggest problems we face.

Posted on 13 Sep 2018 by Celia Dodd
by Peterphark @ 05 Nov 2018 09:06 pm
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by lalit @ 26 Apr 2019 01:46 am
Ciao! celiadodd.co.uk

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by Robertlooff @ 05 Jun 2019 06:51 am
Ciao! celiadodd.co.uk

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Celia Dodd
Journalist and author of books on Adult Children,
Retirement and the Empty Nest
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